At St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV, Thanksgiving is a working holiday. For more than 20 years, families gather on Thanksgiving, at church, to deliver holiday dinners with all the trimmings to homebound seniors, the disabled or those who will be alone.
They call the project, GLOWS, or God’s Love Overflows While Serving.
Typically, parish families who participate, arrive for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning — made and served by parishioners — before attending a special Mass, concelebrated by Viatorians.
Afterwards, families line up out the door of the parish’s community center to pick up their meal portions and table decorations, made by the parish’s Mom’s ministry.
This year, parishioners combined to deliver more than 800 meals. The tradition continued this year with the help of a team of 50 volunteers — including Viatorian associates, staff members and parishioners — who planned the day.
Parish leaders partner with HopeLink of Southern Nevada, a nonprofit organization based in Henderson, as well as Meals on Wheels to identify seniors who are homebound or alone on Thanksgiving day.

Parishioners lined up out the door to help.
“It serves as just another example of the Christian outreach that is so central to St. Thomas More,” says Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, Superior General. “Many of the homebound are delighted by the visit as well as by the delicious meal.”