The first communion Mass at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais was an emotional day for second graders and their families. After a year of preparation during the pandemic, their big day was sun-filled and joyous.

Fr. Dan Lydon blesses the rosaries of first communicants.
Children dressed in their traditional white dresses and formal suits for the occasion. The church sparkled with its starlit ceiling, majestic pipe organ and vibrant floral arrangements.
Music was a big part of the day, with instrumentalists and music ministers from the Youth Ensemble and adult choirs, all directed by Chris Lord, director of music and liturgy.
For Fr. Dan Lydon, CSV, associate vicar, described the day as one filled with hope.

Fr. Jason Nesbit poses with one of the children.
“Just seeing their joy, their eagerness and simple faith bolstered my own faith,” Fr. Dan said. “It was a wonderful celebration.”

Music ministers were in the choir loft.
He and Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, pastor, gathered with the children in the church plaza after Mass for individual portraits, but first they blessed their rosaries and other religious objects.